Publications, Talks and Workshops

For publications, also see my Google Scholar profile


  • Hirsch, Linda, Siiri Paananen, Denise Lengyel, Jonna Häkkilä, Georgios Toubekis, Reem Talhouk, Luke Hespanhol. HCI Advances to Re-contextualize Cultural Heritage toward Multiperspectivity, Inclusion, and Sensemaking. In: Special Issue "Advances in Human–Computer Interaction (HCI): The Relational Turn". MDPI Applied Sciences.
  • Woolner, Pamela, Ahmed Kharrufa, Denise Lengyel, Alison Whelan and Katherine Clements. Using Digital Technologies to reveal Student Views of Outdoor School Space: Methodological and Ethical Possibilities and Uncertainties. European Conference on Educational Research ECER'24.
  • Whelan, Alison, Pamela Woolner, Denise Lengyel and Ahmed Kharrufa. Using digital technologies to reveal student views of outdoor school space: methodological and ethical possibilities and uncertainties. British Educational Research Association conference BERA'24. (accepted, upcoming)
  • Lengyel, Denise, Jenny Liddle, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Michael Heron, Miriam Sturdee, Makayla Lewis. Talking ‘bout Your Generation: Lessons Learned from Exploring Tabletop Role-Playing and Visual Arts-based Methods to Promote Reflection on the Diversity of ‘Older Adults’ in HCI. accepted and presented at the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, 2024.
  • Lengyel, Denise. Visualising Digital Citizens. Workshop on (visual) storytelling and exploring the concept of 'digital citizens' through cartoon-making at the Digital Civics Exchange DCX 2024, Northumbria University, UK
  • Lengyel, Denise. Talk at the CHI Howay 2024 as part of Digital Civics Exchange DCX 2024, Northumbria University, UK : "Travelling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction" (AltCHI'24 paper), May 2024.
  • Lewis, Makayla, Miriam Sturdee, Denise Lengyel, Mauro Toselli, John Miers, Violet Owen, Josh Urban Davis, Swen E Gaudl, Lanxi Xiao, Ernesto Priego, Kim Snooks, Laia Turmo Vidal, Eli Blevis, Nicola Privato, Patricia Piedade, Corey Ford, Nick Bryan-Kinns, Beatriz Severes, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Caroline Claisse, Raksanda Mehnaz Huq, Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari, Anna Troisi, Ana O Henriques, Ar Grek, Gareth McMurchy, RAY LC, Sara Nabil, Jacinta Jardine, Robert Collins, Andrey Vlasov, Yana Knight, Michele Cremaschi, Silvia Carderelli-Gronau, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Gisela Reyes-Cruz, Jean-Philippe Riviere. Travelling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction. In: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24).
  • Lengyel, Denise. Presentation at the 1st Nordic Pre-CHI at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden: "Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction" (AltCHI'24 paper), March 2024.
  • Woolner, Pamela, Ahmed Kharrufa, Denise Lengyel, Alison Whelan and Katherine Clements. Developing a method for obtaining pupil insight for Building in Use reviews: the use and value of external school space. Research Report. 2024. Published by the UK government's Department of Education



  • Ward, Rupert, Tuba Shamin, Ben Hull, Alan Hayes, James H. Davenport, Denise Lengyel, Luke Millard et al. QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project Report on badging and micro-credentialing within UK higher education through the use of skills profiles. Research Report. 2022.




  • Lengyel, Denise & Leon Watts. Discovering, experiencing, sharing and preserving bereavement and loss in a virtual environment. Poster at the Centre for Death & Society CDAS Conference 2014: Social Death, Bath, UK, 2014.
  • Lengyel, Denise. Digital World & Social Death. Invited talk at the Bath Digital Festival, BathCamp: Death and Digital, Bath, UK, 2014.


  • Maurice Hendrix, Denise Lengyel, Sara de Freitas & Brian More. Best Practices in Open Innovation: Literature Review and Best Practices. Research Report for JISC Open Innovation Exchange project. 2012.
  • Jantke, Klaus P. & Denise Lengyel. Die Realität in virtuellen Welten (Reality in Virtual Worlds). In: Zeitschrift für E-Learning, Lernkultur und Bildungstechnologie (Journal of E-Learning, Learning Culture and Educational Technology), vol. 1/2012, pp.7--22, 2012.
  • Lengyel, Denise. Spielbasiertes Verhalten und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale (Gameplay Behaviour and Personality Traits). Invited talk (presented by Prof. Klaus P. Jantke) at the Professional Learning Europe PLE 2012, Cologne, Germany, 2012.


  • Lengyel, Denise. Layered Languages of Ludology and Patterns of Experience. Presentation at the Tagung der Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle USK (German rating board for digital games), Berlin, Germany, 2011.



  • Gaudl, Swen & Denise Lengyel. Blocks that think: towards generic agents for digital games. Proceedings of the 7th Conference Computer Methods and Systems CMS'09, pp.117--121, Krakow, Poland, 2009.
  • Jantke, Klaus P., Swen Gaudl, Anja Hawlitschek, Imke Hoppe & Denise Lengyel. Knowledge Games & Knowledge Engineering. Proceedings of the 7th Conference Computer Methods and Systems CMS'09, pp.129--134, Krakow, Poland, 2009.
  • Lengyel, Denise. Intelligent Agents in Interactive Television. Presentation at LiMes Workshop "Logics in Media Studies", Xanten, Germany, 2009.
