Please note:
- Lengyel, Denise, Ylva Hård af Segerstad and Gabriella di Feola. “Drawing Bridges”: Sketching Out Ways to Extend Digital Death
Methodologies in Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Science. DDD17 Conference Death, Dying and Disposal 2025 (accepted/upcoming)
- Hirsch, Linda, Siiri Paananen, Denise Lengyel, Jonna Häkkilä, Georgios Toubekis, Reem Talhouk, Luke Hespanhol. HCI Advances to Re-contextualize Cultural Heritage toward Multiperspectivity, Inclusion, and Sensemaking. In: Special Issue "Advances in Human–Computer Interaction (HCI): The Relational Turn". MDPI Applied Sciences.
- Woolner, Pamela, Ahmed Kharrufa, Denise Lengyel, Alison Whelan and Katherine Clements. Using Digital Technologies to reveal Student Views of Outdoor School Space: Methodological and Ethical Possibilities and Uncertainties. European Conference on Educational Research ECER'24.
- Whelan, Alison, Pamela Woolner, Denise Lengyel and Ahmed Kharrufa. Using digital technologies to reveal student views of outdoor school space: methodological and ethical possibilities and uncertainties. British Educational Research Association conference BERA'24.
- Lengyel, Denise, Jenny Liddle, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Michael Heron, Miriam Sturdee, Makayla Lewis. Talking ‘bout Your Generation: Lessons Learned from Exploring Tabletop Role-Playing and Visual Arts-based Methods to Promote Reflection on the Diversity of ‘Older Adults’ in HCI. accepted and presented at the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, 2024.
- Lewis, Makayla, Miriam Sturdee, Denise Lengyel, Mauro Toselli, John Miers, Violet Owen, Josh Urban Davis, Swen E Gaudl, Lanxi Xiao, Ernesto Priego, Kim Snooks, Laia Turmo Vidal, Eli Blevis, Nicola Privato, Patricia Piedade, Corey Ford, Nick Bryan-Kinns, Beatriz Severes, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Caroline Claisse, Raksanda Mehnaz Huq, Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari, Anna Troisi, Ana O Henriques, Ar Grek, Gareth McMurchy, RAY LC, Sara Nabil, Jacinta Jardine, Robert Collins, Andrey Vlasov, Yana Knight, Michele Cremaschi, Silvia Carderelli-Gronau, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Gisela Reyes-Cruz, Jean-Philippe Riviere. Travelling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction. In: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24).
- Woolner, Pamela, Ahmed Kharrufa, Denise Lengyel, Alison Whelan and Katherine Clements. Developing a method for obtaining pupil insight for Building in Use reviews: the use and value of external school space. Research Report. 2024. Published by the UK government's Department of Education
- Lengyel, Denise, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Miriam Sturdee, Michael Heron, Makayla Lewis and Jennifer Liddle. Hands-on workshop on tabletop role-playing for inclusive design : Imagining sustainable futures for ‘older adults’. In: Proceedings of the Academic Mindtrek 2023 Conference; 03-06 Oct 2023, Tampere, Finland. also see accompanying webpage
- Lengyel, Denise, Ahmed Kharrufa, James Stanfield, Haley Powers, Bridget Lara Stratford & Reem Talhouk. Gender & Racism: Considerations for Digital Learning Among Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers. In: Abdelnour Nocera, J., Kristín Lárusdóttir, M., Petrie, H., Piccinno, A., Winckler, M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023. INTERACT 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14144. Springer, Cham.
- Lewis, Makayla, Miriam Sturdee, Mafalda Gamboa & Denise Lengyel. Doodle Away: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Doodling as a
Strategy for Self-Control Strength in Online Spaces. In: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 414, 1–13.
- Ward, Rupert, Tuba Shamin, Ben Hull, Alan Hayes, James H. Davenport, Denise Lengyel, Luke Millard et al. QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project Report on badging and micro-credentialing within UK higher education through the use of skills profiles. Research Report. 2022.
- Constantin, Aurora, Elizabeth Smith, Hilary Johnson, Denise Lengyel & Mark Brosnan. Designing Technology to Support Social Stories: a Case Study. Poster at the XI Autism-Europe International Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 2016.
- Brosnan, Mark, Hilary Johnson, Aurora Constantin, Elizabeth Smith & Denise Lengyel. Developing Technology to Support the Writing and Delivery of Social Stories™. Poster at the Emotional well-being and Mental Health SEND Conference, 24th March 2016, Radstock, UK, 2016.
- Lengyel, Denise & Leon Watts. Discovering, experiencing, sharing and preserving bereavement and loss in a virtual environment. Poster at the Centre for Death & Society CDAS Conference 2014: Social Death, Bath, UK, 2014.
- Jantke, Klaus P., Imke Hoppe, Denise Lengyel & Alexandra Neumann. Time to Play Gorge - Time to Learn AI: Qualitative Evaluation in a Case Study. 3rd eLearning Baltics eLBa 2010, Rostock, Germany, 2010.
- Hoppe, Imke & Denise Lengyel. Interactivity: A Buzzword to Enhance Storymaking. KiMeRe-2010-02 Research Report of the Children's Media Department, Fraunhofer IDMT, Erfurt, Germany, 2010.
- Gaudl, Swen & Denise Lengyel. Blocks that think: towards generic agents for digital games. Proceedings of the 7th Conference Computer Methods and Systems CMS'09, pp.117--121, Krakow, Poland, 2009.
- Jantke, Klaus P., Swen Gaudl, Anja Hawlitschek, Imke Hoppe & Denise Lengyel. Knowledge Games & Knowledge Engineering. Proceedings of the 7th Conference Computer Methods and Systems CMS'09, pp.129--134, Krakow, Poland, 2009.
Talks and Workshops
- Lengyel, Denise. HCI x Cultural Heritage: Towards Multiperspectivity, Inclusion, and Sensemaking. Invited talk at the HCI Seminar of the divisions 'Interaction Design and Software Engineering' (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University) and CLIC Cognitive Science, Communication, and Learning and IT (Dept. of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg), Sweden (upcoming)
- Lengyel, Denise. From Cradle to Grave: My research on exploring the 'Ageless Digital Citizen'. Invited talk at Open Lab, Newcastle University, UK (upcoming)
- Lengyel, Denise. Visualising Digital Citizens. Workshop on (visual) storytelling and exploring the concept of 'digital citizens' through cartoon-making at the Digital Civics Exchange DCX 2024, Northumbria University, UK
- Lengyel, Denise. Invited talk at the CHI Howay 2024 as part of Digital Civics Exchange DCX 2024, Northumbria University, UK
: "Travelling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction" (AltCHI'24 paper), May 2024.
- Lengyel, Denise. Presentation at the 1st Nordic Pre-CHI at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden: "Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction" (AltCHI'24 paper), March 2024.
- app demonstration for 3DBI behavioural intervention project at Digital Bubbles for Autism seminar series, The Diversity Bubble, University of Bath, UK
- Lengyel, Denise. Digital World & Social Death. Invited talk at the Bath Digital Festival, BathCamp: Death and Digital, Bath, UK, 2014.
- Lengyel, Denise. Spielbasiertes Verhalten und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale (Gameplay Behaviour and Personality Traits). Invited talk (presented by Prof. Klaus P. Jantke) at the Professional Learning Europe PLE 2012, Cologne, Germany, 2012.
- Lengyel, Denise. Layered Languages of Ludology and Patterns of Experience. Presentation at the Tagung der Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle USK (German rating board for digital games), Berlin, Germany, 2011.
- Lengyel, Denise. Intelligent Agents in Interactive Television. Presentation at LiMes Workshop "Logics in Media Studies", Xanten, Germany, 2009.